2021/5/5 Lectures-Elavarasan & Surabhi (Doctoral Candidate)


2021/5/5 Lectures-"Development of UV-visible driven photocatalyst for detoxification of indoor-outdoor air, in situ IR spectroscopy exploring the reactive intermediate species during photocatalytic redox reaction"-Graduate Institute of Chemical Engineering-Elavarasan(Doctoral Candidate)

Topics :Development of UV-visible driven photocatalyst for detoxification of indoor-outdoor air, in situ IR spectroscopy exploring the reactive intermediate species during photocatalytic redox reaction
Lecturer :Graduate Institute of Chemical Engineering-Elavarasan(Doctoral Candidate)
Time & Date : am10:10,Wed.,May 5,2021
Venue: Room101,Chemical Engineering Building


2021/5/5 Lectures-"A silver trimesate organic framework as an ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate for detection of various organic pollutants"-Graduate Institute of Chemical Engineering-Surabhi(Doctoral Candidate)

Topics :A silver trimesate organic framework as an ultrasensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate for detection of various organic pollutants
Lecturer :Graduate Institute of Chemical Engineering-Surabhi(Doctoral Candidate)
Time & Date : am10:40,Wed.,May 5,2021
Venue: Room101,Chemical Engineering Building